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U.S. Patents Issued

Patent NumberDescriptionDate Issued
1US-11350913-B2Coronavirus IgG/IgM multiplexed dual path immunoassay device2024
2US-12111312-B2Method and apparatus for collecting and preparing biological samples for testing2022
3US-10976315-B2Immunoassay utilizing trapping conjugate2021
4US-10908158-B2Immunoassay methods utilizing trapping conjugate2021
5US-10690667-B2Rapid screening assay for qualitative detection of multiple febrile illnesses2020
6US-D887559-SRapid diagnostic test reader2020
7US-10598657-B2Immunoassay utilizing trapping conjugate2020
8US-10473655-B2Immunoassay utilizing trapping conjugate2019
9US-D857903-S2Rapid diagnostic test reader2019
10US-9891216-B2Immunoassay methods utilizing trapping conjugate2018
11US-9885710-B2Immunoassay utilizing trapping conjugate2018
12US-9784734-B2Dual path immunoassay device2017
13US-9476875-B2Integrated buffer dual path immunoassay device2016
14US-8877450-B2Dual path immunoassay device2014
15US-8877450-B2Dual path immunoassay device2014
16US-8603835-B2Reduced Step Dual Path Immunoassay Device and Method2013
17US-8507259-B2Dual path immunoassay device2013
18US-8128941-B2Assay for detecting tuberculosis in nonhuman primates2012
19US-7959877-B27Immunoassay apparatus and kit2011
20US-7879597-B2Dual path immunoassay device2011
21US-20100173397-A1Dual path immunoassay device2010
22US-7682801-B2Dual path immunoassay device2009
23US-7569397-B2Immunoassay devices and use thereof2009
24US-7387890-B2Immunoassay devices and use thereof2008
25US-7192721-B1Universal rapid test and method for detection of tuberculosis in multiple host species2007
26US-7189522-B2Dual path immunoassay device2007

U.S. Patent Applications

Patent NumberDescription
120120165699Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing
220120003727Immunoassay Device for Detecting Antibodies and Antigens
320110172560Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing
420110151584Dual Path Immunoassay Device
520100173397Dual Path Immunoassay Device
620100022916Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing
720080318341Dual Path Immunoassay Device
820080254444Immunoassay Devices and Use Thereof
920070148781Dual Path Immunoassay Device
1020070148049Immunoassay apparatus and kit
1220060205059Dual path immunoassay device
1320060134803Immunoassay devices and use thereof
1420060057621Assay for detecting tuberculosis in nonhuman primates

International Patents Issued

CountryPatent NumberDate Issued
1Korea10-1264753May 2013
2Japan4851507October 2011
3Australia2006223255May 2011
4IndonesiaP0028864BAugust 2011
5South Africa2007/08240March 2011
January 2011
7Mexico27893October 2010
8MalaysiaMY-141253-AMarch 2010
9UK2438124January 2010
10Singapore150583August 2009
11Eurasia12193August 2009

International Patents Pending

CountryNational Reference NumberNational Entry Date
1BrazilPI0600759-7March 2006
2India3962/CHENP/2007October 2006
3Thailand109429October 2006
4Canada2599625August 2007
5EPO6737827.3August 2007
6Israel185841September 2007

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