U.S. Patents Issued
Patent Number | Description | Date Issued | |
1 | 8,603,835 | Reduced Step Dual Path Immunoassay Device and Method | 2013 |
2 | 8,507,259 | Dual path immunoassay device | 2013 |
3 | 8,128,941 | Assay for detecting tuberculosis in nonhuman primates | 2012 |
4 | 7,959,877 | Immunoassay apparatus and kit | 2011 |
5 | 7,879,597 | Dual path immunoassay device | 2011 |
6 | 7,682,801 | Dual path immunoassay device | 2010 |
7 | 7,569,397 | Immunoassay devices and use thereof | 2009 |
8 | 7,387,890 | Immunoassay devices and use thereof | 2008 |
9 | 7,192,721 | Universal rapid test and method for detection of tuberculosis in multiple host species | 2007 |
10 | 7,189,522 | Dual path immunoassay device | 2007 |
U.S. Patent Applications
Patent Number | Description | |
1 | 20120165699 | Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing |
2 | 20120003727 | Immunoassay Device for Detecting Antibodies and Antigens |
3 | 20110172560 | Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing |
4 | 20110151584 | Dual Path Immunoassay Device |
5 | 20100173397 | Dual Path Immunoassay Device |
6 | 20100022916 | Method and Apparatus for Collecting and Preparing Biological Samples for Testing |
7 | 20080318341 | Dual Path Immunoassay Device |
8 | 20080254444 | Immunoassay Devices and Use Thereof |
9 | 20070148781 | Dual Path Immunoassay Device |
10 | 20070148049 | Immunoassay apparatus and kit |
12 | 20060205059 | Dual path immunoassay device |
13 | 20060134803 | Immunoassay devices and use thereof |
14 | 20060057621 | Assay for detecting tuberculosis in nonhuman primates |
International Patents Issued
Country | Patent Number | Date Issued | |
1 | Korea | 10-1264753 | May 2013 |
2 | Japan | 4851507 | October 2011 |
3 | Australia | 2006223255 | May 2011 |
4 | Indonesia | P0028864B | August 2011 |
5 | South Africa | 2007/08240 | March 2011 |
6 | China | ZL200680007856.5 | January 2011 |
7 | Mexico | 27893 | October 2010 |
8 | Malaysia | MY-141253-A | March 2010 |
9 | UK | 2438124 | January 2010 |
10 | Singapore | 150583 | August 2009 |
11 | Eurasia | 12193 | August 2009 |
International Patents Pending
Country | National Reference Number | National Entry Date | |
1 | Brazil | PI0600759-7 | March 2006 |
2 | India | 3962/CHENP/2007 | October 2006 |
3 | Thailand | 109429 | October 2006 |
4 | Canada | 2599625 | August 2007 |
5 | EPO | 6737827.3 | August 2007 |
6 | Israel | 185841 | September 2007 |